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We have all heard or read about Survival Mode in Lost Dogs.

Let me assure you, it is a very real behavioral /instinctual response that arises when a dog is lost. Each lost pet's response when in survival mode will be different.  Some pets are able to quickly recognize their human family while with others, it may take hours or sometimes days to gain their trust. It all depends on their

personality, breed, how long they have been loose and what they have experienced while on their journey.


When you see a post or poster that says DO NOT CHASE (APPROACH)!! What does that mean?

Most of us would assume it means to not pursue in order to catch up to or apprehend.

When you look at how a dog would view the phrase, DO NOT CHASE, it would mean to NOT approach in any manner.  Please ignore me and allow me to be "invisible" .. safe.


It can mean;

*Do not step towards

*Avoid eye contact

*Do not run after

*Do not follow on foot, car or bike.


In essences, ANY movement towards a lost dog can send them into a state of fight or flight. Flight is generally their first choice to elude capture. During such a time, dogs DO NOT make appropriate choices as their fear overrides their ability to focus on the dangers surrounding them. Dogs have become impaled with sticks darting through the brush or bushes .. hit by cars attempting to cross roadways .. hit by trains as they attempt to avoid all human contact. But ultimately, they leave the area they felt safe in at top speed and once again we must start back at square one and generate new sightings. It’s heartbreaking for all owners and search teams to encounter this.

We all understand that it's not that people are doing things to intentionally harm or hinder a search. Most are compassionate loving people who just want to help. Coordinating with the area lost pet recovery team, the owner and local animal services ensures open lines of communication and if direction is needed they can provide this. Allowing a lost pet to feel safe in its environment means leaving it alone and ignoring it. Its sounds counter productive however to trap or lure a lost pup the area needs to remain quiet. Increased activity of any sort, can cause the dog to leave the area for a more suitable place of safety.

Please if you see a roaming or lost pet, do not pursue it. If quietly attempting to lure it fails, do not chase after the dog .. it will push it further and further out of reach and possibly into danger or hiding.  The use of calming signals should be used when attempting to establish trust in any luring situation.

Calming signals for lost / panicked dogs


Panic and hype regarding the body condition, dangerous locations and perceived neglect or abuse

increases the urgency to secure a lost dog & causes more people to attend an area. This activity increases

the odds that the dog will leave and may be lost forever. Take a picture or video if safe to do so and

contact your local animal services ASAP. Contact a lost pet recovery specialist in the area seen. Search

Lost & Found Pet pages for the area & call or text the pet’s owner directly. Always attempt to contact the

family privately as putting sighting locations online will increase activity in an area and cause the pet to


Please remember;  


Reduce the risk … DO NOT CHASE a lost pet.

Their lives may depend on it

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